POP Cooking Class – Sunday, October 21
Join us for our free POP Cooking Class on Sunday, October 21 at 3PM. Graham Dodds, chef at Central 214, will be using vegetables from the garden during this class.
Join us for our free POP Cooking Class on Sunday, October 21 at 3PM. Graham Dodds, chef at Central 214, will be using vegetables from the garden during this class.
Promise of Peace Community garden will be on Good Morning Texas on Monday and will air live from 9a-10a. The voting dates are from 12:01a.m. Monday, August 6 – 11:59p.m. Sunday, August 12. Viewers need to go to Facebook.com/wfaaprojectgreen from a computer, click on the $20k to a Better Way Read more…
P.O.P. Tomato Brunch July 14th , 9:00- 11:00am at the garden Brunch includes: Fall Tomato Garden Class by Josh of Redenta’s Three course Brunch by Dave Pennington and John Wolf, and mimosas! Each participant will take home at least one fall tomato plant- more plants will be available!
It’s almost here! Okra Palooza 2012!! June 16th – 1:00-5:00pm Okra like you’ve never known it! Live music on a solar powered stage , “All things okra” activities, winners announced at 3:00 Tickets available on Saturday mornings at the garden or contact Elizabeth: ejdry54@yahoo.com tickets to taste 10dollars Full Read more…